Is it Worth Getting a Lawyer for a Speeding Ticket?
If you’ve been issued a speeding ticket, you may question whether or not it makes sense to fight the ticket. As a speeding ticket attorney in Jacksonville, I have handled thousands of traffic violations cases, and it absolutely makes sense to consider your options before you rush ahead to pay a ticket.
What is the Real Cost of a Speeding Ticket?
Whether you pay a ticket, or hire an attorney to defend you in traffic court, sometimes, the cost may be about the same monetarily. However, in most cases, you will save time by not having to appear in court, avoid points, and the ticket will not affect your insurance rates.
Some questions to consider:
- Do you want to spend additional money, and many hours for traffic school?
- Do you already have points on your license, and may risk paying higher insurance premiums? Even if you pay that Jacksonville ticket, the insurance increases may stay with you for more than three years.
- Are your driving privileges at risk?
- Are you a commercial driver from out-of-state?
Many people resign themselves to paying a ticket without realizing it may be to their advantage to hire an attorney. If you hire me to represent you for a traffic violation in Duval, St. Johns, Baker or Clay County, I will aggressively defend you. Most of the time, I can go to court for you. Traffic court is similar to other types of legal proceedings.
Serious Traffic Offenses: Reckless Driving and DUI
If your traffic violation includes a more serious offense – like reckless driving or a DUI – you should prepare to contest the violation. Do not put off discussing your case with an experienced attorney.
Preparing Your Defense
Some things to think about for your specific case in fighting a speeding ticket:
- Was the officer’s view obstructed?
- Did the officer stop the right car?
- If cited for speeding, were you otherwise driving safely?
- Was there a mistake in the officer’s methodology?
- Are there any other legal defenses?
Call 24 hours a day to assess your specific situation: (904) 396-9669. To fax a citation: (904) 396-9613.
This post is for information purposes only, and is not legal advice.